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*This article was published in the April, 2021 issue of  Country Express Music Magazine, UK.




George Jones (September 12, 1931 – April 26, 2013)




…from my 'Ear-Heart' to yours, till next time...




     HEAVEN GET READY arrived in an interesting way. I was on a tour. A bus tour. From Canada. For tourists. To go to music haunts in Nashville.


     Friday, April 26th, 2013 we visited the Grand Ole Opry. That was the day George Jones died. Everyone was deeply affected.


Monday, April 29th, 2013, we visited the Country Music Hall of Fame. This was special.

     Especially after George’s passing. Profound as you will see. It was early morning. I am prone to wandering. By myself. At any time. And did.


    Found myself alone on Country Music Hall of Fame’s top-floor. A special chapel-ish room. Called The Hall of Fame Rotunda. The Carter Family’s “WILL THE CIRCLE BE UNBROKEN” shone big & emblazoned. Large lettered & high. ‘Round the oval ceiling’s beauty. The morning’s sun beamed through the skylight. Conical. Like electrified golden light particles. Floating & dancing.


     I stood. Inside the floor-circle under this moving, trembling, light beam. Deep feelings overwhelmed me. Then walking slowly, reverently, I went to a beautiful lectern by the wall. A plaque-tribute. To. George Jones. Above the lectern. A pristine, yet to be signed, guestbook atop the lectern. Set out just for that day. My heart & I wrote on the first blank lines.


      Slowly. Pensively. Profoundly affected. I walked back to the stairs. Part way down, more sky light flooded air. I stopped. Under my arm the day’s paper. And a brochure. I read. Tribute after tribute said “Heaven better get ready”… ‘cause George Jones has a voice like they’ve never heard before.


     Those steps leading to Country Music’s highest level, that day, and where George Jones belonged, were my stopping-place to write Heaven Get Ready.


     Days later, back in Canada, in my living room, I recorded this version. Here it is for you now. Just me… A mic... And my guitar... For George:


     The Lyrics: Heaven get ready. Heaven get ready for me ‘Verse-1’: Has a voice I never heard before, voice of love peace ‘N harmony. Has a voice I never heard before, that voice of love, peace ‘N harmony. Voice of love, peace and harmony *‘Chorus’: Heaven get ready, heaven get ready, heaven get ready for me ‘the’ voice of love, peace and harmony ‘Verse 2’: He has a voice that is truly unbroken his heart’s an unshakeable melody. He’s got that voice I never heard before, that voice of love, peace and harmony. The voice of love, peace and harmony. *‘Chorus’ + “I love you… Hey-Hey…” ‘Bridge-Line: I hear that voice a-calling across the skies of love, the voice of love, peace and harmony. End: Heaven get ready, heaven get ready, heaven get ready for me, Heaven get ready, heaven get ready, heaven get ready for me / Heaven get ready, heaven get ready, heaven get… ready… for… ‘yeah’ you & me “Amen” “Memphis here we come”



     This article was published in Country Express Music Magazine, UK, Issue #2, April 25, 2021.  



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